Sunday, October 23, 2011

Happy Mother's Day, yesterday!

Dear Family,

Wow it feels like I just talked to you yesterday. Oh wait I did. I realized after I hung up that I never told you Happy Mother`s Day mom, so Happy Mother`s Day. You`re the best. How did the barbecue go? Thanks for the money. I also forgot to say that I need another journal. The other is all full. Another one would be nice. It`s the three ring binder style. I don`t need any fillers either; just the binder. Gracias.

The work is doing well. I think I told you last night about the lady we found yesterday. She was a miracle find because yesterday was a diificult day to work because there was a big soccer game. My comp wanted to watch and I said no. Number one I`m sick of soccer and number two I`m not here to watch soccer. I don`t think he was too happy with me but we left to work anyways. I had been praying that we would find a new investigator so my comp could see that we can always find someone to teach no matter what the circumstances are. My prayer was answered. We found a lady named Mirta. We walked by her house on the way to an appointment and saw her raking her leaves ( with a broom). We walked by her house about ten minutes later because the appointment fell through and she was still raking. Elder Barton recognized an opportunity to serve and went and helped her. Honestly I was going to walk on because I didn`t want people to think that we don`t keep the sabbath holy. Luckily my comp listened to the Spirit and helped her. Afterwards we nice lesson with her. I told her that Heavenly Father sent us to her house. I mentioned that I had prayed to find her. She wouldn`t accept a baptism date but she did commit to reading the Book of Mormon. Apparently we were lucky that we found because she says she is always gone. I told her that it was no coincidence that we happened to find her at her house. The Lord defenitely leads us in His work. That experience really strengthened my testimony of prayer.

Oh ya. Mom can you give the mission address to Sister Garner? I told Matt that I would include it in my email to him last week but I totally forgot to do it. That would be great.

Congrats on the Eagle Weston. Have fun at your Court of Honor. Congrats to the others as well.

Alright that`s it for now. There`s nothing else to report because you already know evrything. Until next week...

Que la fuerza os acompañe,
Elder Jones

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